Partai Komunis Indonesia

Dear comrades,
PKI-TRI would like to congratulate the Communist Party Philippines with their 50th anniversary with their ongoing struggle without giving up and for this we also admire the strength of the Filipino people in their struggle against US Imperialism.
Through our common ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, we understand the struggle led by the Communist Party of the Philippines as one of great importance for communists and revolutionaries all around the world who prepare and lead the struggle to make imperialist powers crumble and to open the way for communism.
Our Party is an old one, we will only celebrate the 105th birthday of the unification of the communists in May, after the G30S massacre committed by the US Imperialists we ourselves continued to struggle even in silence we continued to exist under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and our own brand of Maoism which is known as Marhaenism. for this our party would like to look at our dear comrades in Philippines for guidance for our own people's war as a guiding light towards victory in our ongoing struggle.
In the 50 years since its reconstitution, the Communist Party of the Philippines has successfully kept fighting for revolution even when the situation seemed to be at a low point. The CPP suffered intense repression in its early years, and soon, the fascist dictatorship of the Marcos regime launched an all out extermination war on the communists. Leading the struggle, the CPP was able to turn the tide and kept a determined focus on revolution even when the dictator was eventually toppled. At the same time, revisionists were pushing forward their counter-revolutionary agenda in Red China. The Communist Parties of the world suffered the tremendous loss of a forerunner in the struggles of the people of the world when the Red line in China was violently exterminated through a coup and mass repression by the capitalist roarers at the end of the 1970s.
Even then, the CPP stayed on course and kept struggling for complete revolution, and not conciliation with revisionism and imperialism. When errors were committed and left and right deviations were becoming apparent, the CPP launched its Second Rectification Movement, and reversed the situation. This constant practice of self criticism and other communist principles for rectification and development in line struggle is a testimony. A testimony that the CPP has proven itself in practice to be the vanguard of the working class in the Philippines and the leading force in the ongoing revolution.
In the current century, the CPP has kept leading the struggle in the Philippines. It has attracted young toilers and peasants to take up the fight with renewed energy and carry it to victory thanks to the experience of the Party and the People’s Army. Its efforts to extend the People’s Government and the Guerrilla Fronts all over the archipelago have equipped the masses with vigorous and living means for their liberation. Its struggle against the current administration in the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, proves once again the necessity to put this rotten state to sleep. When the State directly attacks the masses, with extermination and bombing campaigns against Lumad people in Mindanao, or with illegal mass killing and arrests of democratic rights leaders in urban mass organizations, it is only justice that the masses rally behind the leadership of the Communist Party, the only force which brings unbound resolution against the atrocities of the enemy.
That the CPP has been able to hold the struggle for revolution for 50 years is an inspiration to all communists. Through open, principled and genuine struggle for unity under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, we want to assure our Filipino comrades of our intention to learn from this protracted struggle and to develop our understanding of the situation in the Philippines.
Red Salute and continues success in your struggle,
CC of the Communist Party Indonesia